Where does the time go? My baby turned two on September 21st and we had planned a lunch party with family and a dinner party with friends. I'm not totally in love with cartoon themed parties, but Luke loves the movie Cars so I tried to class it up bit. This is probably my last year of having much say when it comes to the party decor.
Grandma helping me burn energy so I can nap before my parties.
It's hard to read the sign, but the finish line said, "Happy Birthday Luke!"
So I don't really claim to be a crafty/creative person, one or two projects a year exhaust me, anyway I was very pleased with how the cake turned out. My mom, sister and I all pitched in to help with it, we seriously spent at least four hours decorating it.
So my plan was to let Luke blow out these candles at the family party, but not eat the cake until his friends party later in the evening. Mostly adults attended the family party and I knew the kids would really appreciate my masterpiece. So we just served blackberry cobbler and put the cake aside for later.
Luke loved being sung to.
Make a wish!

Part 2: Luke's Dinner Party.
What's this? Where is Luke's breathtaking Car themed cake?
Well to make a long story short, Dear old Dad decided to store the work of art in the oven to keep Luke and flies out of it. Then my little darling thought it would be nice to have an alternate desert for the adults that didn't want to eat inches of icing. So while preheating the oven for brownies, it occurred to Matt that he had just melted the coolest cake Luke will probably ever have. So you're probably saying to yourself, wasn't Matt the one who came up with the idea to place the cake in the oven. YES! Or, wasn't Matt the one who turned on the oven to bake brownies. Why YES again!
I was close to crying as Matt completely destroyed the cake just an hour before the party started. The icing was dripping off, the candles were melted and formed a small pool of wax, the metal cars started to melt, the plastic wrap was melted and filling the house with the very pleasant smell of burning plastic, but all Matt could say was, "I think we can salvage it." In my bitterness, I just rolled my eyes and said throw it away.
Luke still had fun with his ugly cake replacement.
Thank you to everyone for making Luke's day special! I would like to especially thank my husband for making it memorable!
Oh my goodness! Even though your beautiful cake melted, that was a great story.
OMG!!! Poor Matt. Or should I say poor cake. That cake was freaking awesome I am so glad you have lots of pictures to remember it by! I would have liked a pic of the "after" oven melt though. You did great. Can't believe how fast the little guys grow. Talk to ya soon! Val :)
Oh, sad cake drama! It was beautiful, though! Thank goodness for pictures, huh! He's so darling, looks like the birthday was a smashing success. Happy 2, Lukester!
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