Sunday, October 5, 2008

Busy September

Well, I finally got another post up. It's from early August, but I changed the post date to keep them in chronological order. I have so many pictures to post, it's ridiculous. Obviously, I'm back to work and busy as ever. September is so busy at school, and with Matt's 30th and Luke's first birthday the same month, it's lucky I'm still alive. Matt has been so great with Luke, while I'm putting in long hours at school. Things have finally settled down, and I had a great lazy weekend! Oh, it felt so good. Matt's hunting with the guys this weekend and I finally had time to actually clean the house. Just wanted to let you all know I'm still trying to "blog!" Much love, Jennifer


Erin said...

Was so excited for a new post! I know how hard it gets this time of year....I'm behind too. Glad you had a relaxing weekend. Miss you!

Tiffany said...

So, I know you're busy and all. And I love the Wildlife Safari and everything, but I am dying for some bday pictures. :) I will send you $5 if you post some. ;)