Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Luke turned one!

Hey, did you know it's my birthday?
There really are no words....poor kid.
He couldn't wait to open his gifts.
First gift.....fire truck. Matt informed me that there is a difference between a fire engine and truck, apparently this is a truck because it has a ladder.
He was so blessed/spoiled.
Birthday Cake....
Luke had a great birthday and seemed to enjoy all the company! His nap in between his parties helped! Thank you for everyone that took the time to come and help celebrate Luke's first year. We had a full house of guests and I'm sad I hardly got pictures of anyone. We are so appreciative of every one's generosity and thoughtfulness.

Friday, October 17, 2008

4 Year Anniversary

My parents watched Luke for us so Matt and I could celebrate our 4th anniversary. We enjoyed the evening at King Estates winery, just southwest of Eugene. The patio had beautiful view overlooking vineyards.

These pictures make me miss summer.
Matt....putting out the vibe.

I ordered fancy food, trying to act sophisticated. Matt...... a burger with his wine.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Busy September

Well, I finally got another post up. It's from early August, but I changed the post date to keep them in chronological order. I have so many pictures to post, it's ridiculous. Obviously, I'm back to work and busy as ever. September is so busy at school, and with Matt's 30th and Luke's first birthday the same month, it's lucky I'm still alive. Matt has been so great with Luke, while I'm putting in long hours at school. Things have finally settled down, and I had a great lazy weekend! Oh, it felt so good. Matt's hunting with the guys this weekend and I finally had time to actually clean the house. Just wanted to let you all know I'm still trying to "blog!" Much love, Jennifer